राष्ट्रीय होटल प्रबंध एवं केटरिंग टकनालॉजी परिषद्

National Council for Hotel Management & Catering Technology

Registration for NHTET Examination


NHTET is a scheme to filter the best among the better to declare them eligible for Assistant Lecturer and Teaching Associates in NCHMCT affiliated IHMs. However, the candidate qualifies NHTET and declared eligible for Assistant Lecturer will have the only right to apply against any vacancy, if announced by NCHMCT’s affiliated IHMs, either of Government sector, PSU owned or Private sector. The NHTET qualified candidate will not have any right of automatic induction in NCHMCT’s affiliated IHMs. They have to face a separate selection process for getting selected as Assistant lecturer or Teaching Associates.

It is advised to the candidate to see the eligibility criteria carefully from the attached Brochure and the Examination Scheme as well as the schedule of events before applying.

You can download the brochure when it's available!

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